Stephen MacGillivray Photojournalist

Travel in Fredericton

As a photojournalist I try to watch for and capture beautiful moments in life, while also reporting on the new world we've all been thrown into since the terrorists attacks in the United States. When I made this page, I put the top photo in to show the warm fall temperatures we've been having. Here this Ontario couple read a map while the sun lights up the water in the city hall fountain. The next photo shows the beautiful colours now surrounding the city of Fredericton.

Autumn beauty

But before I finished this page, I was sent out on my first bio-terrorism scare. A woman received a package to her house with a return address from another country and from someone she didn't know. In the bottom photo firefighters in the blue suits carry the package out of the house and seal it in a barrel. Putting these three photos together seems to sum up life right now. We are all trying to see the beauty before us, while keeping one eye over our shoulder.


The top and bottom photographs ran on the Canadian Press wire service, and all three ran in the Daily Gleaner.

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